Everything you wanted to know about Time Lapse workshop - 5/21/17 at Fernando's Studio

May 18, 2017  •  Leave a Comment


This weekend, I'm giving a workshop on time lapse photography - techniques and tools. 

The details are below.

There is a $35 fee for the workshop. This is to cover the studio rental.

If interested please email me at "[email protected]"





Who Should Take this Workshop:  

This topic is for INTERMEDIATE to EXPERT photographers. This is NOT for beginner photographers. You should be comfortable with the manual settings on your camera. You MUST be able to set the White balance, Shutter speed, Aperture, ISO - if you don't know what these settings are, THIS WORKSHOP IS NOT FOR YOU. This will be a combined lecture/workshop on how to do Time Lapse Photography. We will run the workshop for 5-6 hours - inclusive of a simple TL project.  

Number of Seats: Maximum of 10

Objectives: If you take this workshop, you should expect to leave with the following knowledge and techniques:

How to set up a TL project  
How to shoot a simple TL project  
How to post process a simple TL project.  
Understand the workflow from start to finish for a project

Course/Workshop Outline:

The basics of how to do TL  
What tools you will need,  
So, you have a camera - what else do you need?  
Subject considerations  
Picking subjects that lend themselves to TL  
Clouds moving  
Stars and Milky Way motion  
Ice Melting  
Plants growing  
Uniform light TL  
Sunrise/Sunset - aka: "Holy Grail" TL subjects  
Camera Considerations  
Can my camera do TL?  
TL is a MANUAL process (it's 100% set to Manual!)  
Exposure Settings  
Timing Settings and considerations

Tools of the trade  
Shooting tools  
Special software  
Apps to help  
Nice-to-have stuff  
Dollies, Sliders, Rotating platforms  
ND Filters  
Post Processing  
Your computer environment  
Software Tools  
Adobe Lightroom  
LR TimeLapse  
Quicktime Pro  
Other tools  
Bringing it all together: Project Workflows

Doing a simple TL project start to finis  
We will shoot a small TL project Start to Finish in the workshop - we may or may not shoot outside during the workshop

Items to bring to the workshop:

DSLR or Mirrorless digital camera  
Sturdy Tripod  
Intervalometer or built in software in your camera to do interval shooting (in most Canon, Nikon DSLRs and mirrorless cameras)  
Memory card with ample space for at least 400-600 images as RAW files for a sample project

Laptop with adequate space for processing images  
Adobe Lightroom (Windows or Mac version)  
LRTimelapse (www.lrtimelapse.com) - free trial version (Windows or Mac Version)

The fee for this workshop is $35.00 at the door. 


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